1.7.4 ----- * Disable deduplication on `/edu` 1.7.3 ----- * Reduces size of Docker image 1.7.2 ----- * Upgrade flask to >=1.0.0 1.7.1 ----- * Fixes `/level1-2-3` routes (no longer doing deduplication) 1.7.0 ----- * Add docker support * Removes `/malwaredomainlist`, no longer supported by upstream * Removed `/openbl`, `/openbl_180`, `/openbl_360`, no longer supported by upstream * Added `/ultimateblacklist` 1.6.1 ----- * Remove duplicates when using multilist (#5) * Ensure sorting of IP addresses when using multilist 1.6.0 ----- * Made blocklister python 2.7 compatible again 1.5.0 ----- * Added `cidr` query parameter to render lists using CIDR notation 1.4.0 ----- * Added `/multilist` feature * Handle Requests Exceptions correctly for `blocklister-updater` 1.3.1 ----- * Missing changelog changes * Order list of supported lists * Use http links for spamhaus 1.3.0 ----- * Using requests now 1.2.1 ----- * Cache problems 1.2 --- * Simplified get_ips method * Added OpenBL and Spamhaus lists * Added changelog 1.1 --- * Added Cache for list routes 1.0.5 ----- * Content-Type should be text/plain 1.0.4 ----- * Fabric install task should always try a pip --upgrade 1.0.3 ----- * Malwaredomainlist was not working, different regex 1.0.2 ----- * Error in curl example on welcome page 1.0.1 ----- * New Welcome page * Remove duplicate ip entries 1.0 --- * First production ready version